Proposed Projects

Please check here for the latest information on proposed improvements to our water system!

  • Stage 1b

     Stage 1b will construct a finished water transmission main between St. Mary's Road and the railroad tracks on Crystal Lake Road. This stage is comprised of contracts A through G and will include the following: 3 wells with pumps and well houses, 1 Clearwell for the treatment plant, 2 MG elevated water storage tank, approximately 10.5 miles of finished water transmission main (80,500 LF of 30-inch ductile iron pipe, 160 LF of 30-inch directional bore pipe, 600 LF of 42-inch highway bore pipe), 5 gate valves, 12 fire hydrants, and 2 master meters.

  • Stage 2

    Stage 2 will construct a finished water transmission main from the railroad tracks on Crystal Lake Road near Highway 67 to Highway 159. This stage is comprised of contracts H through J and will include the following: Approximately 20 miles of finished water transmission main (60,600 LF of30-inch ductile iron pipe, 540 LF of 42-inch highway bore pipe, 200 LF of 54-inch railroad bore pipe), 3 gate valves, 8 fire hydrants, and 4 master meters.

  • Stage 3

    Stage 3 will construct a finished water transmission main from Highway 159 to Rinaker Road. This stage is comprised of contracts K and L and will include the following: Approximately 14 miles of finished water transmission main (63,400 LF of24-inch ductile iron pipe, 53,300 LF 18-inch ductile iron pipe, 2,300 LF 18-inch directional bore pipe, 420 LF of 36-inch highway bore pipe, 360 LF 30-inch highway bore pipe, 120 LF of 42-inch railroad bore pipe), 10 gate valves, 14 fire hydrants, and 1 master meter.